About Michael…

Computer/networky person and primary author of these pages. I’m currently employed by Vodafone (by way of mergers and acquisitions of TelstraClear/TelstraSaturn/Saturn), prior to that I was at Victoria University. You might find some very old references to my pages from that time at <http://www.vuw.ac.nz/~newbery/>

Should you be after my professional profile, that’s at http://nz.linkedin.com/pub/michael-newbery/0/996/507


I’ve been doing Internet things for a while. In 1993 I wrote an Internet Catechism which gets referenced occasionally as a (very minor) historical document, Heavens, we weren’t trying to make history, we were just trying to make things work. If you are interested, ask me and I can tell you in boring detail some of what we thinking at the time.


I’m interested in all sorts of things—most things actually.